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Member Log In Instructions

  • Select Log In near the top right corner of our website.
  • Enter your Username (usually the First and Last Name of the primary member).
  • Enter your Password. New members are assigned the temporary password "4PinRidgeWines!". Can't remember? Select Forgot Password.
  • Once you're logged in, your name will appear instead of the words "Log In".
  • Now Click on your name.
  • Select Club List
  • Select Edit Club

Once you're logged in, you may also change your password. PA and MD residents may update membership and credit card information, and change to pick-up or shipping for a given Club quarter. 

During the customization period (about 7-10 days prior to each Club quarter) may select the wines you want in your upcoming Club order. This is available by selecting "Edit Cub" and scrolling down until you see the list of available wines for the upcoming Club quarter. If you do not see this list, it means the customization period is not underway.

The Winemaker's Selection for your Club includes the wines (and quantities) listed first followed by other wine choices available. If you do not see a wine listed*, it's not available to be added to your Club order prior to billing. If we ship to you and you're interested in a particular wine, please email prior to the quarterly billing date and we'll see if we can make the change for you.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the Winemaker's Selection for your Club is the default order and changing all the quantities to zero will not cancel your quarterly Club order

Get answers to Frequently Asked Questions about our wine club. 

Please note that any Club package not picked up within 12 months of the billing date will be forfeited by member without refund.

Please refer all questions to for the fastest response.